
Election Eligibility Requirements & Application Process
ORAEYC members in good standing are eligible for Board service. Any such member is welcome to apply for consideration by the Nominating Committee, which is responsible for constructing each year’s slate. Inclusion on the slate may be contingent upon completion of a background check. Additionally, the following limitations have been
placed on the selection of candidates:
No former employee of ORAEYC should be considered for Board service until three (3) years have passed since their last day of employment.
* You do not need to live in the Portland metropolitan area to serve on the Governing Board.

The process begins with an application that requires general contact information and a brief resume, personal statement, and references.
Please review the position descriptions for the various Board roles as well as the ORAEYC Board Code of Ethics to which all Board members agree to adhere.
The deadline for submission of applications (including resume, personal statement, and references) is February 28th, 2025.
Forms to Complete
Nomination Form: Please complete the Governing Council Nomination Form supplied by ORAEYC
Resume: Please use the resume supplied by ORAEYC
Forms may be mailed to: ORAEYC Elections at: PO Box 60, Gladstone, OR 97027
OR emailed to: sara@oregonaeyc.org
OR faxed to: 503-496--0520
Members of the Nominating Committee review all submitted application materials and references. They identify a group of potential candidates who are invited to interview with the Committee in February. This meeting can take place at the ORAEYC Affiliate office or virtually for those not living in the Portland Metropolitan area. Based on the interviews, a proposed slate is identified.
Determination of the Slate
The Nominating Committee determines its recommendations for the election slate. Two
candidates will appear on the slate for each available position. All potential members of the slate will be individually assessed, and decisions will be made with respect to Board membership based upon the totality of the candidate’s qualifications. Once the slate has
been decided, it is presented to the Governing Board for its approval, and then presented to the membership for election.
ORAEYC Commitment to Inclusion and Diversity of our Governing Board:
We recognize the uniqueness of individuals, groups, and organizations and that becoming more high performing and inclusive depends upon the simultaneous growth and development of individuals, groups and the organization. By defining and understanding diversity as broad, multidimensional, and inclusive of diverse viewpoints and perspectives, consistent with the overarching mission and vision of our organization, we acknowledge and honor all personal life experiences and perspectives.

2025 ORAEYC Nominations and Election Timeline
January - February 2025: Applications and deadline information posted for submission by ORAEYC members interested in being considered for Board service.
February 28th, 2025: Deadline for submission of applications.
February - March 2025: Based upon its review of submitted materials, the Nominating Panel invites potential candidates to participate in interviews. The interviews guide the selection of the slate that is recommended to the Governing Board for approval.
March 14th, 2025: The slate is officially announced on the ORAEYC website and Facebook.
March 15th - April 4th, 2025: Eligible members receive voting instructions.
April 4nd, 2025: Election closes.
April 11th, 2025: Voting results revealed to ORAEYC membership
May 2025: Newly elected Board members attend the spring Governing Council meeting and meet with staff and Governing Council members as part of the Board orientation.
June 1st, 2025: Newly elected Board members assume office. Board orientation continues.