
2025 Board Nominations
ORAEYC Commitment to Inclusion and Diversity of our Governing Board
We recognize the uniqueness of individuals, groups, and organizations and that becoming more high performing and inclusive depends upon the simultaneous growth and development of individuals, groups and the organization. By defining and understanding diversity as broad, multidimensional, and inclusive of diverse viewpoints and perspectives, consistent with the overarching mission and vision of our organization, we acknowledge and honor all personal life experiences and perspectives.
Determination of the Slate
The Nominating Committee determines its recommendations for the election slate. The candidate(s) will appear on the slate for each available position. All potential members of the slate will be individually assessed, and decisions will be made with respect to Board membership based upon the totality of the candidate’s qualifications. Once the slate has been decided, it is presented to the Governing Board for its approval, and then presented to the membership for election.

Merrily Haas
I have volunteered with ORAEYC since July 2019 when I fully retired from ORAEYC. I have helped organize the office, process financial transactions, prepare records for our Bookkeeper and provide reports to Sara. I have also coordinated the Building a Business program.
I would like to give back to ORAEYC and help with the transition to new leadership. I have years of history and experience as well as meeting many new/potential members through the Building a Business programs.
I have worked for over 30+ years with ORAEYC Board/Governing Council. I also serve as Advisor to the PCPO Board, and Co- President for the Order of the Silver Trefoil.

Amy Luhn
I'm honored to serve ORAEYC and contribute to our mission. Over the years, I've worked in many areas of early childhood education, from student work in the UC Davis lab in the 80s, to starting a licensed childcare at a NW ski area, to teaching in full inclusion programs, and holding various admin roles. Currently, I direct OSU's Family Resource Center, where campus ECE resides, but at heart, I'm a preschool teacher. My past experiences with diverse children and families continue to inspire my passion for quality early care and education.
This is a pivotal time for ECE, and I’m excited to work together to promote high-quality, inclusive, and accessible care for Oregon’s children and families. I look forward to connecting with all of you!

Stacey Edwards Russo
Greetings! I am Stacey Edwards Russo. I have been in the field of Early Childhood Education for over 25 years now and have played about every role there is! One of my favorite roles is being a mother of 4 children in a multiethnic family--my children continue to be my greatest teachers! A close second, is that of a life-long advocate for young children. For the past 13 years I have owned and directed a Montessori School with locations in Washington, Multnomah and Clackamas counties. My volunteer work spans Art Literacy, Girl Scouts, Community Endeavors as well as 18+ years sitting on various boards for organizations focused on uplifting our field and the professionals working in it. I have been the Vice President of an International Accreditation Council; Lead Funding Chair for several ECE schools; Vice President and Advocacy Chair for a Regional ECE Organization; as well as a consultant and board member to a local training center.
I am running for Vice President again, because I strongly believe in the future of our State. In the past 2 years I have already seen positive changes in our connection with one another and ability to truly listen to professionals across the far reaches of our State. I am comfortable digging my proverbial heels in and getting my hands dirty when it comes to the work that is required in order to best support the children, families and professionals within our State. I am able to see the big picture of need as well as bring attention to the details that are necessary in this work. I am at a special point in my life where I am not only in and out of classrooms, but also getting the opportunity to hear directly from families and other advocates within our state. Because of this, I feel I can bring a level of knowledge, commitment, flexibility and support that is necessary to fulfil more of our strategic plan and possibly beyond! Thank you for considering me to represent you for another 2 years!

Sarah Myers
Sarah Myers is dedicated to thoughtful workforce development and policy design. Sarah has a Master's in Educational Leadership and Policy, a Graduate Certificate in Training and Development, and a Certificate in Project Management from Portland State University. In the last decade, her focus has been on expanding opportunities for educators serving Oregon's youngest children and their families. She has held positions as an educator, early childhood education faculty, director of a statewide workforce registry, and most recently as a training analyst.
Previously elected as Vice President in 2020 for OregonAEYC, Sarah is excited for the opportunity to serve on the board again as Secretary. If elected, Sarah is committed to helping OregonAEYC create and advance a strong vision, become a reliable partner in the early childhood system, and advocate for equitable policy.
2025 ORAEYC Nominations and Election Timeline
January - February 2025: Applications and deadline information posted for submission by ORAEYC members interested in being considered for Board service.
February 28th 2025: Deadline for submission of applications.
February - March 2025: Based upon its review of submitted materials, the Nominating Panel invites potential candidates to participate in interviews. The interviews guide the selection of the slate that is recommended to the Governing Board for approval.
March 18th, 2025: The slate is officially announced on the ORAEYC website and Facebook.
March 19th- April 3rd 2025: Eligible members receive voting instructions.
April 3rd 2025: Election closes.
April 4th 2025: Voting results revealed to ORAEYC membership on Tuesday @ 6pm at our Annual General Membership Meeting.
May 2025: Newly elected Board members assume office. Board orientation begins.
June 1st 2025: Newly elected Board members attend the spring Governing Council meeting and meet with staff and Governing Council members as part of the Board orientation.